Both homilies were pretty good;
the first homily addressed the fact that Sunday is a day of rest, what that
means, and why it’s important. The next Sunday he talked about the fact that
most people don’t appreciate Mass; we yawn through it, keeping an eye on the
time; we are oblivious to the miracle that takes place on the altar, and all
that. Very good; yes, very true.
BUT...he went on and on, and I began
imagining myself raising my hand and saying, “But Father! What in the world
about this Mass helps people to realize what an awesome thing is happening?! We
have guitar music that sounds like Mexican folk music ditties; we have a
woman in a spaghetti-strap top and tight pants reading the Scriptures (and most
of the congregants are not dressed any better); we have ushers in Bermuda shorts;
we have prayers that fail to mention our sin; we have very little that
indicates that Jesus is Truly Present in the tabernacle; and you face the
people throughout Mass as if you are the talk-show host! And yes, the sanctuary
looks pretty good, but people don't treat it reverently!” And these same
issues, or similar ones, plague the morning English Mass as well – plus at the
English Mass, there are often girls as altar servers.
Father went on to tell us how
we are refreshed by the Mass, and that it strengthens us to carry on for
another week. Well, sure it would – if it weren't for those guitars, the
spaghetti-strap tops, the Bermuda shorts, and a myriad of other little things
that go on that don't convey the solemnity of the occasion - or the true joy
and comfort that are to be had. But as it is, I dread Sunday Mass, and I have
to find other ways to fortify myself for both the trials of the week and the liturgical
abuses I’ll witness again next Sunday.
So I was a little miffed. Okay,
I was irritated. This priest knows the truth of what I’ve written above. He
would prefer to have only male altar servers. He would prefer to have more
reverent, appropriate music. But he is afraid to press for these changes. I
pray for him to be given some courage to actually change some things he knows
should be changed.
In the meantime, I have found
myself speaking quite frankly to non-Catholics (at least a couple!) about Mass.
My friend Doc told me that he “enjoys” going to Mass when either one of two
people are present with whom he feels some connection, and he can sit with
them. His idea of Mass is that it’s a time for him to feel like he belongs to a
community. He doesn’t at all see it as worshiping God, because, he says, he can
worship God and pray at home; besides, he says, the good deeds he does outside
of Church “count”, don’t they? Well, they count for something! But he doesn’t
understand why we go to Mass.
I told him that I don’t feel
like I’m a part of the local Catholic community, but I don’t go to Mass for
those people; I go to worship God. And I don’t “enjoy” Mass because of the
liturgical abuses, but I go anyway to worship God as best I can under those
circumstances. When I said I don’t like going to the Spanish Mass, he said, “You
shouldn’t go then.” He simply will not hear that liturgical worship is
important to God. “God doesn’t care about the ceremony,” he says. Oh yes, God does care!
Unfortunately, too many
Catholics agree with him about “ceremony”, and that is why our liturgy suffers.
And because our liturgy suffers and is deficient, we are creating Catholics who
don’t understand their faith and whose spiritual life is deficient.
Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.