Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Under Attack
My computer,that is...
A bad virus has destroyed...well...just about everything!
And writing a post via cell phone or Kindle just isn't working for me.
I'll be back in a day or two.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Bad-News-Bishops and Baseball

A good friend of mine
articulated some of my thoughts when he wrote me the following. I think he has
hit the nail on the head!
as radical Franciscan poverty makes one "free" in the sense that you
can't lose what you don't have, recognizing the full extent of takeover of the
Church by "wicked bishops" should "free" us from false
expectations. We all behave like good soldiers following chains of command and
"running things up the ladder" when there are problems but, to the Enemy,
we just look like a bunch of naive children! The Enemy never rests, and takes
full advantage of his opportunities, unlike those of a more obedient stripe.
For example, we've had two Popes, JPII and BXVI, who could have appointed bishops like themselves, and seriously
impacted the implosion of the Church; but they didn't do that. They were both
"nice" and "accommodating" and appointed bishops, and
cardinals, who elected Pope Francis by an overwhelming majority. Pope Francis
and his crowd have seized their opportunity and they are ruthlessly remaking
the Church in their own image. They are not
"playing nice." And that's what the enemy does.
So we are FREE to "do the right
thing" because a) we already know that God wins in the end and 2) nothing
anyone can do to us can change that. All we have to do is be willing to suffer
"slings and arrows" (or death) and trust God. It might feel like we are doing something
positive and constructive to write the pastor or bishop or nuncio – and it
probably is the right thing to do – but
to expect it to accomplish anything just sets us up for discouragement which, I
have recently read, is one of the most serious "cancers" in the
spiritual life. I'm not sure Pope Francis isn't thrilled when he hears reports of how much he upsets traditional
Catholics! It means what he is doing is working!
I've decided that it's both possible and necessary to laugh at our sorrows
because, no matter what, God is still God, and He loved us into being to share
His Life with us. We will shame our "leaders" with our obedience, we
will shame our "leaders" with willingness to suffer their evil
strategies, we will GIVE GLORY TO GOD by accepting what is certainly a lot less
suffering that God Himself was willing to endure for us!
My friend also gave me a
baseball analogy that I really like. I've never been a big baseball fan, but this analogy makes me more of one! This is a good way to look at the battle
that is being fought by the Church Militant:
baseball] there is NO CLOCK and, no matter how far behind you are with two
outs, nobody on, two strikes on the batter, in the bottom of the ninth, a
comeback is possible within the very rules of the game we are playing! God
wins, we already know this, and it can actually be exciting to contemplate how
GLORIOUS will be the actions of God to bring about this, in human terms, highly
improbable victory. It's like having the chance to read tomorrow's news today,
where we read "God wins in AMAZING comeback in the bottom of the ninth!"
But, today, we're still in the game, and we see that we are behind 83-0 going
into the bottom of the ninth! If you'd had a chance to read tomorrow's paper
today and saw the final result, wouldn't you drop everything to watch what
would happen in the bottom of the ninth?!?!?!

This is the attitude I will
strive for as well.
(By the way, “Mr. Blue” is a
book available on Amazon, which was actually written about 1928, I believe. I
have started reading it…interesting!)
Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.
Saturday, September 20, 2014

She was briefly engaged to a
young man, but she realized immediately that she should not have accepted his
proposal, and that relationship ended – for one as young as she was, it was a
long-term relationship, which lasted almost 4 years. But in the end, he was not
“the one”.
The problem is that where we
live, there are very few young people to begin with, and even fewer of those
are male, and even fewer of those are Catholic, and even fewer of those
actually practice their faith. So my daughter had not had a Catholic boyfriend,
and I was concerned about that. Sure, a non-Catholic boyfriend could convert at some point, even after marriage, as I did;
but it would be better to start off with a good Catholic guy, I think!
So, I prayed and prayed and prayed...and I still pray and pray and pray.
And after my daughter had a couple more non-Catholic-guy “experiences”, a thought came to my
mind: I know a woman who has a private blog for the express purpose of Catholic “matchmaking”.
I wrote to her, seeking to have her place my daughter’s info on her matchmaking
blog. She was happy to oblige, but also suggested that my daughter could try “Catholic
Match”; she said her own daughter had found her husband there! And I've heard one or two other stories of people I know who used these “matchmaking” sites with a positive outcome.
I didn’t actually think my
daughter would go for it, but she did. I think she was a little tired of
the barely-Christian boyfriends who never went to Mass with her. So she signed
up, and had young men seeking her virtual company immediately.
And…she seems to have “found”
one young man in particular who at least at the moment seems like a good match.
They are communicating via FB messenger mostly, and they “skyped” last night.
Thank God for the internet! This young man is in the service, and he is
overseas – far, far away! His home, though, is only a few hours away from where
we live.
I just cannot express how happy
it makes me that my daughter now has easy access to Catholic contacts and potential suitors. She even
commented to me that “It’s nice to be able to make Catholic jokes that the
other person gets.” One young man had wished her a good night, saying, “Sleep
with the angels, rise with the saints, and party with Pope Francis.” Well! I
think he has a grasp on the reality of the Church’s current state!
And besides the spiritual
benefits, what a difference it makes to think about the logistics of her
wedding in the context of a Catholic groom! Believe me, this is a big relief to
Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.
Monday, September 15, 2014
The Seven Sorrows of Our Lady

The Seven Sorrows are:
1. St. Simeon’s Prophecy
2. The Flight into Egypt
3. The Loss of Jesus in the Temple
4. The Meeting of Mary and Jesus on the Way to
5. The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus
6. The Piercing of the Side of Jesus, and His
Descent from the Cross
7. The Burial of Jesus.
Today, of course, is the feast
of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It seems a fitting feast for
the times…another innocent man has just been behead by ISIS, and the world
still seems to be reluctant to take definitive action to mitigate the persecution of Christians and the slaughter of
innocent people of other religions as well. How sad Our Lady must be indeed, as
she watches the continual disfigurement of the Body of Christ.
You can go online and find much
more about the devotion of the Seven Sorrows, and I leave it to you to do so.
But I thought I would also publish here the Litany of the Seven Sorrows; I
found this online also, but I’m not sure where.
Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.
Litany of Our Lady of the Seven
While in captivity under
Napoleon Bonaparte in 1809, Pope Pius VII wrote a litany to Our Lady of
Sorrows. What follows is one translation of the original Latin.
Pray: Three Hail Mary’s in honor of the tears shed by Our Lady in
Her Sorrows.
Hail, Holy Queen
Lord, have mercy on
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, pray for us*
Holy Mother of God,*
Holy Virgin of virgins,*
Mother crucified,*
Sorrowful Mother,*
Tearful Mother,*
Afflicted Mother,*
Forsaken Mother,*
Desolate Mother,*
Mother bereft of Thy Child,*
Mother transfixed with the sword,*
Mother overwhelmed with grief,*
Mother filled with anguish,*
Mother crucified in heart,*
Mother most sad,*
Fountain of tears,*
Vial of suffering,*
Mirror of patience,*
Rock of constancy,*
Anchor of confidence,*
Refuge of the forsaken,*
Shield of the oppressed,*
Subduer of the unbelieving,*
Comfort of the afflicted,*
Medicine of the sick,*
Strength of the weak,*
Harbor of the wretched,*
Calmer of the tempests,*
Resource of mourners,*
Terror of the treacherous,*
Treasure of the faithful,*
Eye of the Prophets,*
Staff of Apostles,*
Crown of Martyrs,*
Light of Confessors,*
Pearl of Virgins,*
Consolation of Widows,*
Joy of all Saints,*
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Spare
us, O Jesus!
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Graciously
hear us, O Jesus!
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Have
mercy on us, O Jesus!
Look down upon us, deliver us, and save us from all trouble,
in the power of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Imprint, O Lady! Thy wounds upon my heart, that I may read
therein sorrow and love—sorrow to endure every sorrow for Thee; love to despise
every love for Thine. Amen.
Monday, September 8, 2014
Impossible Vocations
I have been praying for several people recently, that they will correctly discern their religious vocations; and my petunias seemed to provoke some thoughts about that subject as well.
Petunias seem to be about the easiest thing to grow around here. These are all "volunteers" from last year. I didn't buy a single new plant, and I did nothing in terms of gathering seeds or planting. I did remove the old, dead plants, and then I just let things happen. When they started to grow, and I could identify them, I transplanted some from the crowded planter so the less crowded planters. I gave them some "Miracle-Gro" and plenty of water. There's a bunch more you can't see, around the corner.
Then there's the outlier: one petunia plant that got absolutely nothing, and is a bit removed from the others. It too is a "volunteer", growing in an unlikely place. This is the seamy underside of our yard - where the dogs play and the lawnmower is parked.
That's just one plant. It was never intentionally watered, never received a single dose of "Miracle-Gro", and had no protection from the dogs. Yet it flourished.
What does all this have to do with vocations? Well, it's kind of twisted logic, I guess. But I thought about it in terms of things like diocesan vocations programs (some seem to have Miracle-Gro, others don't!), and having the right environment in which vocations can flourish (like a devout family, or having family members who have discerned religious vocations), and just in general having people around who encourage those who are doing the discerning.
But sometimes, a vocation just pops up out of nowhere. Maybe the person didn't have any background or training that would have brought them to a religious vocation. But God finds a way. As in the case of my outlier petunia, a seed is planted in an unlikely manner and in an unlikely place, but in bears fruit nonetheless.
Maybe none of the above makes much sense, but if nothing else, I guess I see it as a message of hope to myself. A petunia has sprung to life in a place that is barren and dry, with no help from human hands, and it is thriving. If God can do that with a petunia seed, He can certainly take another environment that seems completely unsuitable (as some many parishes seem to be), and allow a vocation to take root, and even grow and flourish.
Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Sin and the Sacrament of Confession
I was thinking recently about the quandary non-Christian, non-Catholic people must find
themselves in when they have no recourse to the sacrament of confession.
Mostly I was thinking about this because of a particular young man my daughter knows. I don't think he has any religious upbringing at all, and he is certainly not Catholic. The two of them seemed a perfect match for each other in many ways, but he broke off the relationship after only a short period of "dating" (what young people call "dating" these days is not what it was when I was young, but that's another issue). He told her at one point that continuing on in the relationship would mean she would have to accept some things about his past that he wasn't proud of, and which he has not shared with her.
So...that made me think about the fact that he has sinned - as we all have, of course - and appears to have repented of that sin; he seems to have sincere regrets. But he is still, apparently, plagued by guilt. These past sins still haunt him. They define him. And he is afraid they will define him in the eyes of others, as well. The demons have found that this is an effective weapon against him, and they will continue to use it. And he has no clue how to overcome it - or even what the problem really is!
Now, many non-Catholic Christians deal with the issue of past sins by saying that they have confessed their sins to God, and they know that God forgives them. Of course, there is some truth in that. But it is only a partial truth, because the sacrament of confession gives us so much more than that personalized interpretation of God's forgiveness.
It's part of the big picture of being a Catholic Christian, I guess. Without "religion", one is alone, isolated from God. Being a Catholic means you've got lots of company, lots of support - in Heaven and on earth!
I sometimes wonder how people make it through life without supernatural faith.
Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.
Monday, September 1, 2014
Remaining Good Among the Bad
This exerpt was from the readings for Vigils for this past
Sunday (the 12th after Pentecost, and the 1st Sunday of
From the Book of
Moral (Reflections upon Job) written by Pope St Gregory (the Great.) Bk. i. ch. 1.
There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job. We are told where this
holy man lived, that thereby we may gauge the worth of his bravery. Who knoweth
not that Uz is a place in the countries of the Gentiles? The Gentile world had
been so degraded and corrupted by sin, that they had ceased to know that they
had a Maker. Therefore is it told us where Job dwelt, that it may redound to
his praise that he was good in the midst of the wicked. It is not very
praiseworthy to be good among the good, but to be good among the bad. For even
as it is more grievous to be bad among the good, so is it right praiseworthy to
have remained good among the bad.
When I read this, I thought about how much it
seems to apply to our world today. “The Gentile world had been so degraded and
corrupted by sin, that they ceased to know that they had a Maker.” Does that
not seem to be what has happened today?! The slippery slope we’ve been on in
this country for decades has become steeper and steeper, to the point that it
seems we are about to fall off a cliff.
The moral compass of today’s “modern” society is
broken. Some people try to use moral reasoning to discern good from bad, but
they’ve been brainwashed by modernism and personalism to the point that they
eventually fall back on the erroneous reasoning that “if it feels good, it must
be good”. Some of those who deplore the
moral depravity they see around them still end up saying, “Who am I to judge?”
As a society, we have lost sight of absolute right and wrong, and have fallen
into all the traps and fallacies of moral relativism. People are confused, but
all around them they hear others insisting that “it may be wrong for you, but
it’s right for me.”
Pope St. Gregory the Great adds, “It is not very
praiseworthy to be good among the good, but to be good among the bad.” And that
is where good Catholics find themselves today. They must be found doing good
among the bad. They must stick to their Catholic morals, follow their Catholic
moral compass, form their consciences according to Church teaching.
And they
must act in accordance with that
conscience, with those teachings. The ones who do so will suffer, as we have
seen recently with the Catholic couple who would not host a same-sex wedding on
their property, and were slapped with a fine and other punitive measure. They
are not the only example, of course, and it is certain that more persecution is
to come.
I guess when you look at the big picture, the
history of Christianity for the past 2000 years, you can see that there is
“nothing new under the sun”. It looks new, because the context is a little
different, but the game is the same.
Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.
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