Here is a comment that was
posted on the Church Militant website the other day. I’m not
sure if I should put the author’s name, but it was public comment, and I think it’s an excellent observation, so…credit where credit is due!
sure if I should put the author’s name, but it was public comment, and I think it’s an excellent observation, so…credit where credit is due!

I try
to hold onto a semblance of clarity in my own thinking. But, it is very
difficult to understand what these clerics are saying while remembering the
Scriptures which one revisits in the Liturgy of the Hours. The phrase that
keeps echoing in my mind when I hear people talk about the "Kasper
Proposal" or its like is from Psalm 49(50):
to the wicked God says: "Why do you recite my commandments and profess my
covenant with your lips? You hate discipline; you cast my words behind you!
When you see thieves, you befriend them; WITH ADULTERERS YOU THROW IN YOUR LOT.
You give your mouth free rein for evil; you harness your tongue to deceit. You
sit maligning your own kin, slandering the child of your own mother. When you
do these things should I be silent? Or do you think that I am like you? I
accuse you, I lay the charge before you." (Psalms (NAB) (49)50:16-21.)
(EMPHASIS added.)
I looked into it a bit further, however, it got worse:
the land is full of adulterers; because of the curse the land mourns, and the
pastures of the wilderness are dried up. Their course is evil, and their might
is not right. "BOTH PROPHET AND PRIEST ARE UNGODLY; even in my house I
have found their wickedness, says the LORD. Therefore their way shall be to
them like slippery paths in the darkness, into which they shall be driven and
fall; for I will bring evil upon them in the year of their punishment, says the
LORD." (Jeremiah (RSV) 23:10-12.) (EMPHASIS added.)
the Pope's notion that these questionable things might be justified by a hope
of saving the children of adulterous unions seems naïve. After all, what
version of the Faith can they discern, if "honor your father and your
mother" is opposed to Christ's words about adultery? This seems to be a
serious problem:
children of adulterers will not come to maturity, and the offspring of an
unlawful union will perish. Even if they live long they will be held of no
account, and finally their old age will be without honor. If they die young,
they will have no hope and no consolation in the day of decision. For the end
of an unrighteous generation is grievous." (Wisdom (RSV) 3:16-19.)
of this is tempered by confidence that the impossible can be accomplished with
God's help, however, the size of the task might suggest that it is not a topic
for public debate or general policy statements.
Christi semper nobiscum.
Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.
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