St. Therese writes of her
pilgrimage to Rome with her father and sister:
we were high up the mountain side, while at our feet an unfathomable abyss
seemed ready to engulf us. A little later we were passing through a charming
village with its cottages and graceful belfry, above which light fleecy clouds
floated lazily. Farther on a great lake with its blue waters, so calm and
clear, would blend with the glowing splendour of the setting sun. I cannot tell
you how deeply I was impressed with this scenery so full of poetry and
grandeur. It was a foretaste of the wonders of Heaven. Then the thought of
religious life would come before me, as it really is, with its constraints and
its little daily sacrifices made in secret. I understood how easily one might
become wrapped in self and forget the sublime end of one's vocation, and I
thought: "Later on, when the time of trial comes, when I am enclosed in
the Carmel and shall only be able to see a little bit of sky, I will remember
this day and it will encourage me. I will make light of my own small interests
by thinking of the greatness and majesty of God; I will love Him alone, and
will not be so foolish as to attach myself to the fleeting trifles of this
world, now that my heart has had a glimpse of what is reserved for those who
love Him."
I know this feeling, these thoughts. The beauty of the
geographic area in which I live is astounding, and there are times when I am
driving along on my way to or from town that the glory and majesty that I see
spread before me makes me want to stop and worship God on the spot.

Sometimes, when as St. Therese says, “the thought of
religious life would come before me”, I know that I would not such a life for
any physical grandeur in the world, even for the enjoyment of God’s greatest
creations. As the Saint says, “I will
love Him alone, and will not be so foolish as to attach myself to the fleeting
trifles of this world.”
Once, while praying, I had
experience of seeing a my chapel wall open up to reveal an indescribably
beautiful meadow scene…well, as I said, it was indescribable. The beauty was
other-worldly, of course, because the whole experience was such. It was natural
beauty made supernatural, a “foretaste of the wonders of Heaven”, as St.
Therese so aptly put it. But this scene was a foretaste that surpassed even the
natural wonders that surround my home, and I will never forget it. It made me
understand that Heaven is so far beyond our wildest dreams that we cannot even
imagine what we will experience there. The presence of God is unfathomable.
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