This is from the writings of Nil Sorsky, where he is discussing the “prayer
of the heart” – the Jesus prayer; he calls it “pushing the mind into the heart”:

…However, if you cannot pray
without thoughts in a silenced heart, but you find the thoughts multiplying, do
not become discouraged, but remain in prayer…
If you see, Gregory says, the
impurity of evil spirits in the thoughts that are presented in your mind, do
not be frightened… Do not give any attention to them, but control your
breathing as much as you can and enclose your mind in your heart, as you arm yourself
by calling on the Lord Jesus…
Later, he adds this, under a section entitled “Continue to Pray
in Times of Consolation”:
If, therefore, you see that
your prayer is operating unceasingly from the depths of your heart, and you are
deeply centered, do not leave your prayer ever to rise and chant, lest your
prayer will leave you, due to your negligence. For to leave God within you in
order to seek him from outside is like leaving him from the heights to call on
him by stopping lower.
I like that. If one has been given the grace to be fully
enveloped in the Jesus prayer, he says, it would be foolish to leave that
communion with God in order to rise and pray the Divine Office… “leaving God
within you in order to seek him from outside”.

I guess we need to strive to be aware of God’s grace at work
in our prayer life so that we can take full advantage of the ways in which he
seeks to speak to us.
Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.
(The quotes are from Nil Sorsky:
The Complete Writings, Paulist Press)
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