In the past few weeks, I have still been very busy with antependia and such. Finally, every project was completed, but then there were the step-grandchildren-to-be to look after for a few days here and there. That is rewarding "work", but it is not exactly restful!
I do have another project in the works: a funeral pall. Lots of black fabric...
It's looking very much like spring here, and that's nice, but it has still been cloudy and rainy, and I'm really ready for some sunshine. I try to see the gloomy weather as another penance for Lent.
Speaking of penance, and of "offering up" the little pains of life...my right shoulder has bothered me for years, and keeps getting worse. It became very painful and my range of motion was severely restricted a couple of months ago. I wanted to just offer it up for the salvation of souls - especially for a couple of souls very close to me! But finally, I felt I could not go on with that way, and decided I should see a doctor and consider surgery if necessary.
Then I did a little on-line research and found some exercises that were recommended for my symptoms. I started to do them, and noticed a difference in 24 hours. Now, I really don't believe the exercises could have had that kind of result so quickly! Instead, I wondered if Our Lord saw my desire to suffer for souls, and also saw that I wasn't able to bear much suffering! So He gave me some relief, bringing the discomfort down to a level I could tolerate. That's how I like to look at it anyway. I'm happy with the improvement, and also happy that I still have enough discomfort to "offer up".
I hope you have a spiritually fulfilling Triduum!
Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.
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