Thecla was an apostle of St. Paul. She heard him preaching at her neighbor’s house and was won for Christ. She sought out his teaching, and he taught her that the nobler course for her life would be to preserve her virginity rather than marry the man to whom she was betrothed.
Thecla underwent many torments, and most of those were in
Paul’s absence. Finally, when Thecla was reunited with Paul, he said to her,
“I know, my beloved daughter,
that thou was saddened when I left thee; but know this, it was to thy benefit
that I did this, so thou might not take courage in my person. It is in the Lord
Whom thou shouldest place thy hope with all thy heart, not in thy friends and
kinfolk. Thus, this is what came about when thou didst overcome so many
torments with His might and help.”
In my own life, I know I have at times relied too heavily on
my own spiritual father. He “leaves” me at times – usually when I am feeling
most unable to bear whatever trials I think I’m experiencing at the moment.
It’s for my own spiritual good, though – and this is true whether he is
intentionally leaving me to fight the spiritual battle on my own, or whether he
is just tired of my whining. God always works it for my good, and I always come
away knowing that the One I need to trust is the Lord.
Other times, I lament to myself that “I am all alone”, and I
punctuate that statement with a long sigh. I wonder whether I have any true
friends; even my family seems distant. But again…who do I need, but my Lord
And when I’m alone and struggling against the demons, I try to
remember the Hermitess Photini who said that she knew she was not strong enough
to fight the demons, and so when they attacked, she said, “I run to my Christ.”
There is where the protection lies; in Him is where I must put my trust.
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