In his book, Providence, Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange says the following (my emphases):
22. The Grace Of The Present
Moment And Fidelity In Little Things
We were saying that the duty we
must accomplish with every succeeding hour is the expression of God's will for
each one of us individually hic et nunc and thus conveys a certain practical
instruction very valuable for sanctification. It is the Gospel teaching as
applied to the various circumstances of our lives, a real object-lesson
imparted by almighty God Himself.
If we could only look on each
moment from this point of view, as the saints did, we should see that to each moment there is attached not only a duty to be performed, but
also a grace to be faithful in
accomplishing that duty.
The spiritual riches contained
in the present moment
As fresh circumstances arise,
with their attendant obligations, fresh actual
graces are offered us in order that we may derive the greatest spiritual
profit from-them. Above the succession of external events that go to make up
our life, there runs a parallel series of actual graces offered for our
acceptance, just as the air comes in successive waves to enter our lungs and so
make breathing possible.
This succession of actual
graces which we either agree to make use
of for our spiritual benefit, or, on the other hand, neglect to do so, constitutes the history of each individual soul as it is written down in the book
of life, in God, to be laid open some day for our inspection. It is thus that
our Lord continues to live in His mystical body, and especially in His saints,
in whom He continues a life that will know no end, a life that at every moment
requires new graces and new activities.
He also quotes these paragraphs from Jean Pierre de Caussade (Abandonment to Divine Providence; my emphases):

When the will of God is made
known to a soul, and has made the soul realize His willingness to give Himself
to it—provided that the soul, too, gives itself to God—then under all
circumstances the soul experiences a great happiness in this coming of God, and
enjoys it the more, the more it has learnt to abandon itself at every moment to
His most adorable will.
… As the present minute is
passing, let us likewise bear in mind that what
exists is not merely our body with its sensibility, its varying emotions of
pain and pleasure; but also our
spiritual and immortal soul, and the actual
grace we receive, and Christ who
exerts His influence upon us, and the Blessed
Trinity dwelling within us. We shall then have some idea of the infinite riches contained in the present
moment and the connection it has
with the unchanging instant of eternity into which we are some day to enter…
This astounds me. How would it be to be able always to remember that the present
moment is so intimately connected with eternity! How would it be to receive
that grace rather than resist it! De Caussade continues:

Let us in all reverses give
heed to the actual graces offered us with each passing minute for the
fulfilment of present duty. We shall thus realize more and more how great must
be our fidelity in little things as well as in great.
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