Sometimes the responsories at Vigils really “speak” to me. I
liked last night’s, for the Vigil of the Nativity.

* The majesty of God upon you.
V. This day ye shall know that the Lord cometh, and in the morning, then ye shall see
R. The majesty of God upon you.
R. Sanctificamini hodie et estote
parati: quia die crastina videbitis
* Maiestatem Dei in vobis.
V. Hodie scietis, quia veniet Dominus, et mane videbitis.
R. Maiestatem Dei in vobis.
* Maiestatem Dei in vobis.
V. Hodie scietis, quia veniet Dominus, et mane videbitis.
R. Maiestatem Dei in vobis.
R. Stand
still, and ye shall see the help of the Lord with you O Judah and Jerusalem,
fear not.
* Tomorrow ye shall go out, and the Lord will be with you.
V. Sanctify yourselves, O ye children of Israel, and be ready.
R. Tomorrow ye shall go out, and the Lord will be with you.
* Tomorrow ye shall go out, and the Lord will be with you.
V. Sanctify yourselves, O ye children of Israel, and be ready.
R. Tomorrow ye shall go out, and the Lord will be with you.
R. Constantes estote, videbitis
auxilium Domini super vos: Iudaea et Ierusalem, nolite timere:
* Cras egrediemini, et Dominus erit vobiscum.
V. Sanctificamini filii Israel, et estote parati.
R. Cras egrediemini, et Dominus erit vobiscum.
* Cras egrediemini, et Dominus erit vobiscum.
V. Sanctificamini filii Israel, et estote parati.
R. Cras egrediemini, et Dominus erit vobiscum.
Third Responsory:
R. Sanctify
yourselves, O ye children of Israel, saith the Lord for on the morrow the Lord
will come down.
* And will take away from you all sickness.
V. On the morrow the sins of the earth shall be washed away, and the Saviour of the world will be our King.
R. And will take away from you all sickness.
Glory be
R. And will take away from you all sickness.
* And will take away from you all sickness.
V. On the morrow the sins of the earth shall be washed away, and the Saviour of the world will be our King.
R. And will take away from you all sickness.
Glory be
R. And will take away from you all sickness.
R. Sanctificamini, filii Israel,
dicit Dominus: die enim crastina descendet Dominus,
* Et auferet a vobis omnem languorem.
V. Crastina die delebitur iniquitas terrae, et regnabit super nos Salvator mundi.
R. Et auferet a vobis omnem languorem.
R. Et auferet a vobis omnem languorem.
* Et auferet a vobis omnem languorem.
V. Crastina die delebitur iniquitas terrae, et regnabit super nos Salvator mundi.
R. Et auferet a vobis omnem languorem.
R. Et auferet a vobis omnem languorem.
1st Ant. O Judah and
Jerusalem, * fear not: to-morrow ye shall go out, and the Lord will be with
Ant. Iudaea et Ierusalem * nolite
timere: cras egrediemini, et Dominus erit vobiscum, alleluia.
2nd Ant. This day ye shall
know * that the Lord cometh and in the morning, then ye shall see His glory.
Ant. Hodie scietis * quia veniet
Dominus: et mane videbitis gloriam eius.
3rd Ant. On the morrow *
the sins of the earth shall be washed away, and the Saviour of the world will
be our King.
Ant. Crastina die * delebitur
iniquitas terrae: et regnabit super nos Salvator mundi.
4th Ant. The Lord cometh! *
Go ye out to meet Him, and say How great is His dominion, and of His kingdom there
shall be no end He is the Mighty God, the Ruler, the Prince of Peace, Alleluia!
Ant. Dominus veniet, * occurrite
illi, dicentes: Magnum principium, et regni eius non erit finis: Deus, Fortis,
Dominator, Princeps pacis, alleluia.
5th Ant. On the morrow * ye
shall be saved, saith the Lord God of hosts.
Ant. Crastina erit * vobis salus,
dicit Dominus Deus exercituum.
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