Here’s another excerpt from Resurgent in the Midst of Crisis, by
Peter Kwasniewski:
Traditional Latin Mass is celebrated for
God, on his account, as an act of
profound worship directed to Him. The
new Mass, as it has been allowed to be celebrated around the world, often looks
like an exercise mainly for the sake of the people – almost as if the people
are the point of the Mass, and not God. (p. 67)
At our local parish, there was
no midnight Mass at Christmas last year. This year, an announcement in the bulletin
a week or so prior to Christmas noted that there was a “renewed interest” in
having midnight Mass, and that if 75
people put their names on a list saying they would attend, then there would in
fact be a midnight Mass.
This struck me in two ways: first,
that it was a sign of life, perhaps, that people did actually seem to want the
midnight Mass (though who knows the motivation behind each individual?);
second, that the priest himself
should have a desire to celebrate that Mass – one of the three Masses that the
priest is privileged to say on the
solemnity of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Ideally, a properly formed
priest, it seems to me, would desire to say all three Masses, and would do so
whether or not there were a certain number of people present. I even commented
on this to my husband, saying, “Isn’t the Mass for God? It’s not about how many people show up; it’s not really
for them. The Mass is an act of worship directed to God.” It’s so nice to find
that same thought expressed so much more eloquently and clearly by Mr. Kwasniewski!
A little farther on, Kwasniewski
how vehemently the reformers both of the sixteenth century and of the twentieth
attacked the idea of a “private Mass,” where a priest and server offer the sacrifice
without a congregation. And yet, if the essence
of the Mass is an act of profound adoration of the Holy Trinity, in the shadow
of Whose wings the priest then intercedes for the good of the entire Church and
the conversion of the world, nothing could be better than the multiplication of
such Masses devoutly offered. The critique of the private Mass runs parallel
with the demise of the contemplative religious life: a nun or monk in a cell
seems useless “for the people,” even though in reality such a person’s prayers
are the only reason the Church does not collapse in a minute, the blood of
martyrs run dry, or the world vanish in a flash of fire.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me!
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