In the Divine Office for Matins of Ember Wednesday in the
Octave of Pentecost, the Gospel was from John 6:44:
… Jesus
said unto the multitudes of the Jews No man can come to Me, except the Father,
Which hath sent me, draw him.
The lessons were from a homily by St. Augustine, Bishop of
Hippo (26th Tract on John).
I’ll summarize a little… St.
Augustine was saying that some might question how it is that we have free will
if the Father draws us. “How can my faith be willing, if I am drawn?” such a
man might ask, says the saint. He answers, “Thou art not drawn as touching they
will, but by pleasure… ‘Delight thyself in the Lord, and He shall give thee the
desires of thine heart’ (Ps. 36:4). There is pleasure in that
heart to which the Bread That came down from heaven is sweet.”
He adds that
…pleasure, which so draweth, is
not a necessity, not a bond, but a delight. How much more strongly, may we say
that men are drawn to Christ, who delight in truth, who delight in blessedness,
who delight in righteousness, who delight in life everlasting, since truth and
blessedness, and righteousness and everlasting life are all to be found in
Give me one who loves, and he
will catch my meaning; give me one who longs, give me one who hungers, give me
a wanderer in this desert, athirst and gasping for the fountains of the eternal
Fatherland; give me such a one, and he will catch my meaning. If I talk to some
cold creature, he will not…
St. Augustine says that God draws to the Son those who believe in the Son, those who believe
that God is the Father of Jesus. Whoever realizes this is being drawn to the
Father; those who do not recognize that Jesus is the Son of God are not drawn
by the Father. For example, says Augustine, Arius was not one who was drawn by
the Father, because he believed that “the Son was made” and
… such a one knoweth not the
Father. What sayest thou, O Arius? What sayest thou, O thou heretic? What is thy
profession? What is Christ? “He is not,” saith Arius, “Himself Very God.”
Then, O Arius, the Father hath
not drawn thee. Thou hast not understood His dignity as a Father, to Whom thou
deniest His Son…
We are drawn by the Father because we love the Son, says
If we are to be drawn, let us
be drawn by Him to Whom one that loved much said “Draw me, we will run after
the savor of thy good ointments” (Cant. i. 4).
We are drawn by pleasure – the pleasure of loving the Lord.
Jesus entices us toward him because of who he is. And as we are drawn toward
him we are drawn to the Father.

We love him, because he first loved us.
Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.
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