But, reading on in Kwasniewski’s
book, I see that he also makes the point that there is a two-fold purpose to
the Mass. He writes:
liturgy has two purposes: to worship God with all due reverence and love, and
to feed, nurture, shape, and perfect the worshiper. God is not changed or moved
for the worse by our bad liturgies; it is we, the Christian people, who are
deformed by the Novus Ordo Missae as it is celebrated in most of our churches.
God does not suffer if we refrain from attending a superficial ceremony that
verges on mockery of his Son and does violence to Catholic worship as it has always been known.
This almost sounds as if he is
advocating not attending Mass if the
choice is one full of liturgical abuses. But I don’t think that’s what he is
saying, exactly. He goes on:
It is
true that there are times when it is necessary to attend even a most
disgracefully celebrated liturgy in order to fulfill one’s obligation to the
Lord, and at this time one ought to go with the express purpose of suffering
for one’s own sins.
This is the conclusion I have
come to, and that is the frame of mind in which I try to attend Mass. I also
take along my little Latin Mass missal booklet to pray the prayers that more
fully reflect a truly Catholic liturgy. But Kwasniewski makes more good points:
It is
true, too, that we can and must seek our consolation in the wondrous presence
of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, a presence so much beyond
all that we can deserve no matter how beautifully and reverently we sing the
songs of Sion. Still, there is far more to the substance of liturgical cultus than merely the provision of a
moment’s adoration in the midst of an ocean of banality and noise; the liturgy,
both as a whole and in each of its parts, is not itself supposed to be a mortification, a cause of pain, but a
consolation, a reservoir of peace and joy for building up the inner man.
In this sense, then, the Mass is
for the people, as well as the worthy worship of God. The Mass should form us
and teach us how to worship, and why
to worship. Alas, it is too often simply a mortification, though, in my
experience! Sometimes I see that the priest and the ministers are doing their
best to be reverent, but the Novus Ordo Mass simply does not lend itself to
that supreme reverence and piety to which we should aspire.
Continuing with the excerpt:
purpose of the liturgy is to form our souls in the beauty of holiness; and if
the human elements of the liturgy are, on the contrary, deforming our souls,
then we must not allow it habitually to do so unless, as was just said, we have
no choice in a given situation.

Finally, Kwasniewski adds this
attending poor liturgy one implicitly accepts it – that is, one says to it: “Shape
me, shape my soul, form my spirit. Make me like yourself.” But this is what one
must not allow to occur with experimental, horizontal, anti-sacral liturgy; its habits, as it were, must not become my habits.
There are no easy answers in
this. I would love to move to a place where there is an FSSP parish nearby; but
this is not really feasible for us, for several reasons. And there is little
hope of a traditional Latin Mass becoming available close to our home – though God
does have a way of surprising us at times! So I continue to pray the
traditional prayers at the Novus Ordo Mass, while ignoring the mundane,
watered-down prayers the priest is required to say (and frankly, I find this
much easier to do at the Spanish Mass, since I don’t understand Spanish all
that well, and so the words don’t interfere with my meditation on the old
But after reading what Peter
Kwasniewski has to say, I now have a better understanding of why I generally do
not receive Holy Communion at the Novus Ordo Mass. It has everything to do with
what he has said in the excerpts above – the knowledge that something is just
not right about the theology of the Novus Ordo, and the feeling that I should
resist making myself a part of it by receiving Holy Communion (I am not saying that I think the NO Mass is
invalid; just that, as Kwasniewski puts it, I am not willing to have it shape
my soul and form my spirit). Thanks be to God I am able to attend the TLM
elsewhere while on retreat every couple of months. And I make an effort to make a spiritual
communion in the context of the Mass prayers at home on a daily basis. Still…
Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.