So...this was the most
painful Mass I've been to in a long time.
When we came in, I was
surprised to see the folk group poised to wield their guitars and that
abominable tambourine. They played last week, and the schedule generally includes
them every other week. I was immediately on the lookout for the bishop…and in
fact, he was there.
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Then there were the
servers. One of the regular adult male acolytes was the "MC", and was
vested nicely in cassock and surplice. And all but one of the altar servers
were boys, though they were all wearing the stupid 7-dwarf hooded flour bags
rather than cassock and surplice. There was one girl altar server; at least she
had her hair neatly contained in one single braid, and she's pretty reverent.
But still.
There was incense. Hurray!
But then we were witness to a deacon-less bishop incensing the altar. It just
seemed so odd. In the EF, of course, our pastor would have served as deacon.
But in a concelebrated novus ordo
Mass, he just becomes an ornamental cleric on the opposite side of the sanctuary
from the bishop. In that role, he is unable to assist the bishop as a deacon
would. He did read the Gospel, though, and the servers processed with candles
and incense from the bishop's chair to the ambo.
So there was a lot of a
leaning in the right direction, but there were enough oddities to make it
apparent that no one had a clue as to why we might be doing those more
traditional things. Since no one has a clue, it all becomes just a hodge-podge –
a little of the old, a little of the new, and mix them altogether for
liturgical stew. And that does not make for good liturgy, of course.
Why can't the folk group
– who are excellent musicians – see/hear that their music does not match the
bishop's intoning? Why doesn't the bishop correct this nonsense?! He
spoke at a recent diocesan chant conference, and said publicly that guitars
were not appropriate at Mass; so why does he not change this practice at his
cathedral, the mother church of the diocese!?!
Apparently, the folk
group will be playing their guitars and tambourine (yes, there was
tambouring-playing today, even in the presence of the bishop!) next week, too.
We are going to the Saturday evening Mass. I will not have the first Sunday of
Advent ruined for me by attending Sunday morning Mass with the folk group.
I seldom post links
here, but if you “resonate” with my complaints, and if you know the tune and
some of the words of “My Favorite Things” from “The Sound of Music”, you’ll
probably enjoy this post.