Here is the reading for the sixth day of the program (with my bolding),
from Imitation, Book 1, Chapter 18:
Look upon the lively examples
of the holy Fathers in whom shone real perfection and the religious life, and
you will see how little it is, and almost nothing that we do. Alas, what
is our life when we compare it with theirs? Saints and friends of Christ, they
served our Lord in hunger and in thirst, in cold, in nakedness, in labor and in
weariness, in watching, in fasting, prayers and holy meditations, and in
frequent persecutions and reproaches. Oh, how many grievous tribulations did
the Apostles suffer and the Martyrs and Confessors and Virgins, and all the
rest who resolved to follow the steps of Christ! For they hated their lives in this world, that they might keep them in
life everlasting. Oh what a strict and self-renouncing life the holy
Fathers of the desert led! What long and grievous temptations did they bear!
How often were they harassed by the enemy, what frequent and fervent prayers
did they offer up to God, what rigorous abstinence did they practice!
What a valiant contest wag I ed
they to subdue their imperfections! What purity and straightforwardness of
purpose kept they towards God! By day they labored, and much of the night they
spent in prayer; though while they labored, they were far from leaving off
mental prayer. They spent all their time
profitably. Every hour seemed short to spend with God; and even their necessary bodily refreshment was forgotten
in the great sweetness of contemplation. They renounced all riches,
dignities, honors and kindred; they hardly took what was necessary for life. It
grieved them to serve the body even in its necessity. Accordingly, they were
poor in earthly things, but very rich in grace and virtues.
I remember the first time I ever started to read the Imitation. I was not even Catholic then.
I did not finish the book that time. I found it of interest, but I remember
saying to myself, “This is so depressing!” I suppose it seemed that way because
I had no desire to really give up the pleasures of my daily life at that time!
When I read these passages the first time I followed the De
Montfort consecration program, I didn’t find them so depressing, at least as
far as I can remember. That first consecration was also before I became
Catholic, but only a few months before I was received into the Church.
Every time I read these passages, I find more in them of
interest and inspiration. I decided recently that it’s time to re-read the
entire book, cover to cover. I’ve started, but “stuff” gets in the way. I shall
persevere, though!
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