reading for the 11th day of the De Montfort consecration to Mary is
from the Imitation of Christ: Book 1,
Chapter 25. It says, in part:

immediately being consoled, and comforted, he committed himself to the Divine Will, and his anxious thoughts ceased.
He no longer wished for curious things; searching to find out what would happen
to him, but studied rather to learn what was the acceptable and perfect will of
God for the beginning and the perfection of every good work.
Well, I have often cried out “If
only…”! If only I knew whether I am truly called to this vocation! If only I truly knew how to live it, having one foot in the secular world, and one in the world of "religion"!
So, I tell myself, imagine what you would do
if you really did know, and do it. Easier said than done, of course;
but still, we often do know what
needs to be done, if we just think about it.
For myself, I have determined
that the way to live the vocation I think I am called to is to…well…live it!
That means following my Rule of Life more conscientiously, and not making easy excuses
for the times I fail to keep it.
This is what I strive for now, daily.
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