Lehodey differentiates between God’s signified will and God’s
will of good-pleasure.
Quoting St. Francis de Sales, Lehodey describes God’s signified
"God proposes to us clearly and in
advance the truths He would have us believe, the rewards He would have us hope
for, the penalties He would have us fear, the good He would have us love, the
commandments He would have us observe, the counsels He would have us follow.
This is called the signified will, because by it God indicates and makes known
to us what He has ordained and intends should be the objects of our faith, of
our hope, or our fear, of our love, and of our practice...The signified will
comprises a fourfold object: the commandments of God and of His Church, the
evangelical counsels, divine inspirations, our particular rules and
In describing God's will of good-pleasure, Lehodey again
quotes St. Francis de Sales:
"...there is also His will
of good-pleasure which we must look for in all events. I mean to say, in
everything that befalls us: in sickness, in death, in affliction, in consolation,
in adversity and prosperity; briefly, in all unforeseen occurrences."
Ah, yes. Unforeseen occurrences, affliction, adversity…like,
for instance, your child being killed in a school shooting… O Lord, I cannot
fathom the pain of those parents.
Lehodey adds:
"…[I]t is in tribulations
especially we must recognize the will of God; not that He loves these for their
own sake, but He employs them as an effective means of vindicating right order,
of remedying our failings, of healing and sanctifying our souls."
Using the example of those innocent children being shot, we
can see just how difficult it is to submit oneself to Divine Providence. So
many voices are crying out, “Why, Lord?” No one really wants to accept it. And
yet, we have no choice. As Lehodey says, it is always within our power to
conform to the signified will, simply by obedience. But as the will of
good-pleasure unfolds,
"He disposes of us as our
Sovereign Master. Without consulting us, often even against our wishes, He puts
us in the position He has chosen, and under the obligation of discharging the
duties thereof. It remains in our power indeed to satisfy this obligation or
not, to conform ourselves to the divine good-pleasure or to revolt against it;
but whether we like it or not, we have no choice save to submit to the sequence
of events, the course of which can be arrested by no earthly power...Thus...He
reminds us of our dependence, and endeavors to recall us to the paths of duty
as often as we wander out of them and lose our way.”
God alone knows the lessons He wants to impart to the
parents whose children were killed, or the families of the adults who died
protecting those children as best they could. He has lessons for all of us who
are touched in some way by the tragedy.

We light a virtual candle for the ones with names and faces
on the news. We turn our backs on the ones who are hidden in wombs, waiting for
their turn to come into the world. That people cannot see the “disconnect” here
is what burdens my soul. I have wept more for the anonymous, unknown, murdered
little pre-borns than I have for the poor children of Sandy Hook Elementary School
– though that is not because I care less for the born than the unborn; indeed,
the photos of that one blond-haired blue-eyed little girl just tear into my gut.
And yet, death is a part of life. Eighteen children died in
a tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary on Friday, December 14; but how many other
children died on that day? How many died of cancer? In a car accident? How many
drowning victims? How many died of starvation or malnutrition in other parts of
the world? How many were killed at the hands of their mothers’ boyfriends?
Tragedy occurs all the time. We just are not aware of it.
God made us all very much aware of Sandy Hook Elementary. He
has His reasons. The Divine Will has been at work. And many are having a lesson
in just how difficult it can be to submit to that will…even if we know that God
has our best interests in mind.
Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.
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