The other night, it was time to pray the Office of the Dead.
I do this once a month, following my spiritual director’s lead.
Since I pray this Office once a month, the readings and responsories are of course not unfamiliar to me. Still sometimes, the words of the psalms etc. just seem to leap out at one and take on a new significance one hadn’t noticed before. That’s how it was the other night when I prayed Vigils.
It was the responsories that really “spoke” to me – these in particular:
R. Lord, when You come to judge
the earth, where shall I hide from Your wrathful countenance? *For I have sinned exceedingly in my life.
V. I am appalled at the sins I
have committed, and I blush before You. Do not condemn me when You come to
Yes, sometimes I feel very acutely that sense of being "appalled at the sins I have committed”. I led a very sinful life in the days of
my youth, and there are times when memories of past deeds come to mind,
unbidden, and they make me shudder. “I blush before You” – indeed, I do!
However, I know it is Satan who evokes the memories, because he wants me to
despair. I’ve confessed those sins, though, and have received absolution for
R. Alas for me, Lord! I have
sinned exceedingly in my life. Wretch that I am, what shall I do? Where shall I
fly but to You, my God? * Have mercy on me when You come on the last day.
V. My soul is greatly troubled;
come to its aid, O Lord.
Again, yes, I have
sinned exceedingly in my life! And when those memories rise to the surface and
I find myself painfully aware of my wretchedness, I know there is nothing else
to do but to call upon His mercy. “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on
me, a sinner.”

R. The fear of death troubles
me, as I sin daily and do not repent. *Since in hell there is no redemption,
have mercy on me, O God, and save me.
V. O God, by Your name save me,
and by Your might deliver me.
Oh, yes, sometimes I am troubled by the fact that I “sin
daily” – the same sins, repeated often. My weaknesses are ever before me that
way! I do repent, though…most of the
time. O God, deliver me from my unrepentance!
R. O Lord, judge me not
according to my deeds, for I have done nothing worthy in Your sight; therefore
I beseech You Majesty *That you, O God, may wipe out my offense.
V. Thoroughly wash me, O Lord,
from my injustice, and of my sin cleanse me.
I can do nothing good outside of Him, and the best that I do
is only the least of what He deserves from me!

V. “You have come, our
Redeemer,” they cried out.
Yes, thanks be to God! He has come – our Redeemer!
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