mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult
This is something I do not possess. Not even a little bit. Especially in a difficult situation.
I have been meaning to acquire it, of course, at the
suggestion of my spiritual director, who mentioned that he tries to cultivate
it in himself.
It’s difficult to train one’s physiological responses, and
mine go off the charts when I am in a confrontational situation – no matter how
minor! Recently, I’ve noticed that as soon as I start to perceive conflict, my
head begins to throb. It’s the blood pressure. It’s like the cartoons where the
guy gets mad, gets red in the face, and then his top blows off. Mine doesn’t
blow off…but the pressure is painful.
Not only do I get upset when the confrontation begins, I get
upset at the thought of a potential
Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.
I pray that often, and have tried to make it a part of my
soul for years. When I start to get upset, I pray it some more. Out loud.
Faster and faster…in a panic, you might say.
I need to get a handle on this.
Deep, cleansing breaths.
Or, put more simply, as my
spiritual director sometimes has to tell me, “BREATHE!”
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