Someone put this link on Face Book:

Anyway, I do applaud this man for his heroic efforts. It's a
very heart-warming story, and who wouldn't want to help a child in such a
state?! But I am becoming so hypersensitive to statements like this one, made
at toward the end of the series of photos:
of Kevin, she has a real shot at happiness in life.
And the first thing that comes to my mind is...but what
about happiness for eternity? Has
anyone done anything to move this child along the path to Heaven? Is she even a
Christian? Is she baptized?
I don't suppose "society" in general has ever been
too concerned about that.
These days, society is all about having the happiest, most
comfortable life here on earth…and that has led us down the path to euthanasia,
because life is allegedly not worth living if it’s not pain-free, worry-free,
sacrifice-free, etc. This mentality encourages abortion, too; witness the
recent reports from women who are “glad” they aborted their babies because they
were going to be “handicapped” in some way. Those with no belief in God of course have no
understanding of the importance of baptism, but even most Catholics seem to fail
to understand this.
You have to be reminded (or remind yourself) constantly to
think about death and eternity, I think; otherwise, it's easy to focus on being
"happy" in this life, and not worry about "the next".
Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.
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